Friday, July 28, 2006


Place- Portland, Maine. Camera-Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT with EF-S 18-55


Praveer said...

liked this shot...with the multiple shadows :-)

..and going to make it a point to check this blog more often

Unknown said...

Thanks was taken in a mex restaurant...sun was really low…coming thru big too had surprised by seeing such shadow patterns... :)

Praveer said... might consider posting the time and date of each photo taken in the footnote :-)

mtalpz said...

this is beautiful!!
Just reiterates the fact..that there is much more to anything than what you actually see :)

Unknown said...


Thanks mtalpz for your note...! you are right...there are so many things within any single thing..!

(btw, are you related to Suny Buffalo ..?)

SAL said...

the multiple shadows is really surprising, well captured!