Saturday, March 10, 2007

"Meet Me at The Wall"

On a warm and sunlit autumn morn
I was walking through the Mall
Following a path well worn
On my visit to the Wall

The granite panels stand in line
Against the mother earth
Softly, slowly marking time
For love and life and death.

Of Sons and Daughters gone to war
In another time and place
A symbol of the weight they bore
With courage, strength and grace.

From the Wall I heard their message
Sent out for all to hear
Their spirits always with us
Their memory very near.

I salute you men and women
For answering the call
You'll always be remembered
With your name upon the Wall.

- Stephen R. Guilmet

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall is a place of deep personal reflection for many visitors.

After watching the film "The Deer Hunter" in 1979, Vietnam Veteran Jan C. Scruggs first conceived of the idea for a Vietnam Veterans Memorial. A Yale architectural student, Maya Lin, submitted the winning design. "The Wall" was built in Constitution Gardens in Washington, D.C., through private donations from the public, and dedicated in 1982.

Place-Washigton D.C., Camera-Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT with 90-300 sigma lens


Anonymous said...

I always find a visit ot such a place overwhelming as it kind of brings a strom of thoughts in my head

Unknown said...

yes..its so true!

Anonymous said...

Je découvre de bien belle choses ici,c'est que du bonheur pour les yeux

Unknown said...

@le funambule:
Hi Le...Thanks for visiting my blog and jotting down.
though I didnt get your note, I am sure it is something as beautiful as your blog...:)

Geraldo said...

I visited the Wall once. It's terrible to have the exact idea of how many young lives were lost for no justifiable reason - and those are just the American losses... And it's even worse to realize that the lessons of the past were not learned...