I know, generally it’s not advisable to shoot against direct sunlight unless you have specific tools. But, ...thinking out of the box gives u some incredible results too...!
Place-Goa, Camera-Canon EOS T2 with 70-300 sigma lens
So that was Gudi Padwa, one of those indian festivals where u have that traditional look all over the place!...When my nieces came down, I was so happy n excited to see them....!!!
I know, technically this is not a great pic, but for me it is full of emotions.....it's my all time fvt!!!
Place-Puna, Camera-Canon EOS T2 with 28-90 mm MF sigma lens
Few months before, got a chance to capture few images of this magnificent city where every frame holds its inimitable mood...and that change at each moment too.
Place-New York City, Camera-Canon EOS T2 with 70-300 sigma lens