Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Santiago Calatrava: Sculpture Into Architecture - I

After enjoying St. Louis’ beauty we headed towards Milwaukee to explore one of the best architectonic expressions of modern age - Milwaukee Art Museum. I always wanted to see this marvelous work designed by one of my favorite legend, Santiago Calatrava! and yes, ...this visit paid me more than what I have expected, you will get to see few glimpses of it over here, ...n yaah, gorgeous weather made it more pleasant and boosted our enthusiasm for the rest of the day trip...:)






Santiago Calatrava Valls, is an internationally recognized and award-winning Spanish architect, sculptor and structural engineer. He was born in a rural part of Valencia, Spain , where he pursued undergraduate studies at the Architecture School and Arts and Crafts School.


Place - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Camera-Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT with 18-55 Canon lens


Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

real neat shots of an awe-inspiring building.....i was awestruck by the architecture when i visited the place....though i surely could not have appreciated the finer points as you would have as an architect....i am so glad for you :)

Knittnerd said...

This is soooo cool I want to go there and see this!!!