Monday, September 24, 2007

Dancing with shadows...:)

IMG_4669 low

Can anyone please enlighten me what makes it so magical when shadows fall for old fabric...?

Place-Philadelphia, PA. Camera-Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT with 50mm Canon lens


Lori said...

A great shot! The shadows are beautiful. I wonder what made them? I love the textures and colors here.

Unknown said...

:))...isn't that wonderful!
actually that's caused by the staircase nearby. I thought to eliminate it while shooting the pic.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

its a fabulous shot, AX.....a shot after my own the shadows here..they are truly magical :)

Cris said...

A staircase? wow... what time was that, I thought they were electric cables when I first looked at this picture.